Drink Coffee, Touch Grass

Drink Coffee, Touch Grass

“Touch Grass” is an internet term that essentially means “go outside.” Although I see it mostly served up as a joke or casual insult, I think it has a deeper meaning that can really be appreciated by everyone.

Our connection to nature has many obvious ties to the coffee industry (agriculture, sustainability, etc.) but the point I want to make is about nature’s connection to art, and art’s connection to coffee.

When I drink our coffee, I feel inspired, because I know we produced something exceptional that I can believe in. That is what art means to me, it doesn’t have to be a physical thing, it can even be a feeling of inspiration.

So that brings me to how nature recently shared this feeling of inspiration, or it’s art with me.

Southwest Missouri is one of the most beautiful seasons during the Fall, my dog and I took a 10 mile walk out in a Branson Nature Resort last weekend. Plenty of things to be inspired by every step of the way, but what stood out to me the most was our stroll under a canopy of autumn leaf trees, where the wind suddenly blew, and my entire peripheral was immediately covered in a sea of falling leaves around me. Meepo (my dog) loved it, and I was in awe. That is the art nature shared with me to inspire what I’m writing now.

So, when someone tells you to touch grass, don’t take it as an insult. Take it as a friendly reminder. Our connection to nature can improve our lives in not only physical ways by the way we treat our environment, but also transcendent in the ways we are inspired to do or create new things.

Enjoy the coffee, folks!

Nicolas M, Co-Founder, Foxen Coffee

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Nico, It was a pleasure meeting you and Meepo over the weekend and talking about your Foxen Coffee and your travels. However, you didn’t speak of your talents as an Artist. We should talk more about that as well. I’m going to use the statement “Touch Grass” with my patient/clients. Thanks for connecting!! Beautiful Art!!

Jacqui B

Hi Naomi, yes I did the photos and the pictures. Thanks for reading! :)


I love the pictures. Did you do them?
(The photo of your doggie too.)
Beautiful area.

Naomi Ward

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