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Foxen Coffee

Mexico Chiapas, Dark Roast Coffee

Mexico Chiapas, Dark Roast Coffee

Regular price $20.00 USD
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Dark Roast Coffee from Mexico Chiapas

  • Natural milk chocolate, citrus, and cools sweet notes
  • Farmed in Mexico Chiapas (Single Origin)
  • Our coffee is sourced from the highest rated farmers in the world
  • Roasted and packed fresh in the USA by Foxen Coffee Company

The growing area, which runs between altitudes of 900 and 1,100 meters, is characterized by large bean sizes and a round, balanced cup with a smooth body — an ideal morning cup

Dark Roast Coffee

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Coffee Profile

Region: Chiapas

Growing Altitude: 900 - 1,100 meters

Arabica Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Typica and Catuaí

Harvest Period: December–March

Milling Process: Washed, patio dried

Aroma: Chocolate

Natural Flavors: Sweet, grape, chocolate

Body: Medium

Acidity: Light to medium

This coffee comes from smallholder producers

who deliver to the San Cristobal de las Casas and Yajalón buying stations in northern Chiapas, to the east and northeast of Tuxla Gutiérrez the region. The growing area, which runs between altitudes of 900 and 1,100 meters, is characterized by large bean sizes and a round, balanced cup with a smooth body — an ideal morning cup.

The harvest season is December through March. All the coffee is received in parchment, quality controlled, and transported to a high tech dry mill in Veracruz. After a second quality check, the coffee is cleaned, milled and sorted to be prepared for export. This coffee has a quality-control standard that allows for only 15 imperfections per 300 grams.

For decades, Chiapas has been the center of political and ethnic conflicts

The Zapatista movement prevented any large coffee farms from coming into existence, due to their demands for indigenous rights and land access. Consequently, coffee has been cultivated mainly by smallholders, often descendants of Indigenous tribes, These producers plant, harvest and prepare the coffee by hand, sparing no effort to produce coffees they can feel proud of. Generally, they each produce between 10 and 15 bags.

To help ensure that producers receive a fair price, we work closely with the exporters that support these communities with social projects. The exporters also use their own transportation infrastructure to bring the producers’ coffees to market.

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Thomas Anderson
Great cup of brew

Good rich taste that’s not bitter or has that burnt aftertaste that some coffees do.

First things first

It’s what you crave the first thing in the morning.

Christy Coffelt

Love the Coffee! Best beans around. Will continue to buy. Would like to be able to pick up as I am close by.

Gwen Baile

Mexico Chiapas, Dark Roast Coffee

Nancy Calabretta
Great coffee

I have been searching for a coffee that I really LIKE, that I don’t just drink out of habit. This is it! Dark roast, smooth, not acidic. It presses all my buttons for my morning coffee.